Closing Crawl

Plan Carnage: The Clone Wars Season 4 Episodes 9 and 10

May 16, 2022 Drew, Jared, Jon, Matt, and McCormick Episode 42
Closing Crawl
Plan Carnage: The Clone Wars Season 4 Episodes 9 and 10
Show Notes

We depart the Adventure genre for the War is Hell genre, as the clones decide whether or not to follow General Krell up river.  With the spotlight on Rex and the Clones - how will they account themselves when faced with treason and fratricide?

Plan of Dissent: This episode’s JFC is “The wise man leads, the strong man follows.” Our RA summarizes the last two episodes, which involves Jedi Master Krell leading Rex’s and Anakin’s clone squadron into slaughter on the planet of Umbara while the clones are growing tired of dying needlessly and start to rebel.

We cut to Obi-Wan informing Krell and Rex that a supply ship in orbit above the capital is continuing to give weapons to the enemy, and that Obi-Wan and team are unable to take it out due to some support ships that haven’t shown up yet.  Rex and team have cracked the Umbarin security codes and could fly the captured ships from the base covertly into battle, but Krell wants no part in that.  They’ll take the capital the best way possible, from the ground!  

Fives, Jesse, and Hardcase disobey orders and take three fighters into the battle over the capital to blow up the supply ship “from the inside, just like General Skywalker did when he was a boy”.  Once inside the supply ship, the ray-shields prevent the smaller fighters from making a dent, but Hardwire jumps to the ground and goes through doors into the reactor core to blow it up… sacrificing himself in the process.  

Fives and Jesse return to the base, but Krell plans to court-martial them for their “insurrection”.

Carnage of Krell: This episode’s JFC is “Our actions define our legacy.”  After the RA’s summary, we cut to Rex pleading with Krell to save Fives and Jesse, but Krell now orders their immediate execution.  Dogma is excited to see the traitors receive their just desserts, but the executioners refuse to pull the trigger.  When Rex goes to report this to Krell, an incoming message shows that Umbarans have stolen clone armor and weapons, and are hiding amongst  clones to confuse them… this works, which causes clone-on-clone violence as two squads come across each other and proceed to ready-fire-aim with their new don’t ask/don’t tell policy on being a clone under the helmet.  Waxer, with his final breath, reveals that it was Krell that ordered his squad to attack Rex’s squad of “undercover Umbarans”.

After seeing the tragedy of killing their own brothers, Rex and the clones go to arrest Krell for treason.  But taking out a four-armed jedi is no easy task.  “I will not be undermined by some creatures bred in a laboratory.”  On the chase for Krell after he jumps out a window, Dogma tries to stop Rex, but is taken to the brig.  Krell proceeds to unleash the eponymous “Carnage” upon the clones in the jungle outside the base.  Tup lures Krell towards an oversized venus flytrap, which gives the clones the distraction, and extra arms, needed to subdue Krell with a stun shot.  Krell, now in his cell, reveals that he was auditioning for Count Dooku and was counting on clones like Dogma and their blind loyalty to help him achieve his goals.

With the capital city now captured by Obi-Wan, the Umbarans decide to make the clone-occupied base their final assault.  Rex knows that Krell cannot be captured / released by the Umbarins since he’ll reveal all the republic’s secret codes and locations to the separatists.  When Rex hesitates to pull the trigger, Dogma does the deed.  As they prepare to leave, Rex reveals the beginning of his existential crisis.  “When the war is over, what happens to us then?
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